Tuesday, June 23, 2009

I FEEL GOOD! (Music Please) :-)

I had another good day today, I am feeling pretty good! My Dad made me pose for these pictures yesterday. It was not fun until I got to chase the ball when we were done. :-)

I'm so cute!

I was posing but I got tired of sitting still. I wanted to talk to my cows.

The picture below is of my best friend Jessie. She is a ham/dog. Jessie is only 6 years old too.

Thank you for stopping by to see how I am doing. I feel much better now! Last week, I almost never got to see my Mommy and Daddy again. I was very sick with something called Chronic Renal Failure. I am sure there are still problems but My people are doing everything possible for me. I know I am loved by a lot of people. My daddy is much better at giving me my fluid treatments. He still does not like it (I don't like the needles, they hurt me) but he is much better and does not cry each time now. Don't tell him I said that, he might get embarrassed. :-)


  1. Yea Jinji! You are such a cutie pie! Feel better :o)

  2. Glad Jinji is doing better. And poooor Kelly, having to give those mean shots! :-) I know, it is not fun and I feel for ya.
